Sunday, April 16, 2017

Through the obedience of Christ we were saved, whereas through the disobedience of Adam we were drawn into the abyss of hell. ( Elder Ephraim of Arizona )

Through the obedience of Christ we were saved, whereas through the disobedience of Adam we were drawn into the abyss of hell. The road of obedience does indeed lead to Golgotha. It is uphill, and the ascent is a little laborious, and we shall sweat and be fatigued, but let us reflect that after the resurrection we shall gain purity of soul and son-ship, and this wealth cannot be matched by any worldly enjoyments. What am I saying, worldly things? If one gives the entire world, he cannot buy even one drop of spiritual joy from that soul which has ascended Golgotha and seen its own resurrection.

Elder Ephraim of Arizona