Thursday, March 31, 2016

Πολύ σε αγαπά ο Θεός, δια τούτο και σε παιδεύει. ( Γέροντας Εφραίμ Φιλοθεΐτης )

Παιδί μου, αν και πολλά της ασθενείας σου είναι από παρακοήν, εν τούτοις όμως διαφαίνεται εν σοι η αγάπη του Θεού. Πολύ σε αγαπά ο Θεός, δια τούτο και σε παιδεύει. Την πολύτιμον σωτηρίαν σου κατεργάζεται ο Θεός δια μέσου των δοκιμασιών σου, θέλοντας να σου ελαφρύνη το φορτίον και να γεμίση το σκεύος της ψυχής σου με το δώρον της μεγάλης ελπίδος, δια την κατάκτησιν του ουρανού και την αιώνιόν σου παραμονήν πλησίον του Χριστού, που αγάπησες φλογερά!
Λοιπόν τι μένει πλέον; Υπομονή εις το έπακρον, θάρρος εις την δοκιμασίαν σου και μία απέραντος ευχαριστία εις τον άριστον Κυβερνήτην των ψυχών μας, την οποίαν ευχαριστίαν θα συνοδεύη και μία χαριτωμένη ταπείνωσις. Βάδιζε, παιδί μου, τον ανηφορικόν δρόμον του ιερού Γολγοθά με τον Σταυρόν, που σου έδωσε το ευεργετικώτατον χέρι Εκείνου, που σε αγαπά και σε παιδεύει, δια να μεταλάβης της αγιότητος Αυτού. Βάρος αιωνίου δόξης κατεργάζεται η θλίψις και η ασθένεια εις την ψυχήν, η οποία υπομένει και ευχαριστεί τον Θεόν.

Γέροντας Εφραίμ Φιλοθεΐτης 

The athlete is tested by the stadium, the captain by the storm and tempest, the general by the battle, the magnanimous by misfortune, and the Christian by temptation

 My blessed child in Christ, I am praying that the great Physician of souls and bodies grant you your full health, in accordance with His holy will. There were holy men, my child, who were gravely ill, yet in their illness they healed others. Oh, how much God loved them! 

An exceptional sign of God’s love for a soul is when He saddles it with illnesses or afflictions. Pain of body or soul purifies, cleanses, and brightens the garment of the soul from every stain of sin. There was one holy monastic father who was always ill. It happened once that he was not ill for a period of time, and he complained, saying: “Ah, my God, why didst Thou forget me and not consider me worthy of Thy visitation?” This blessed man yearned for illnesses because he knew from his experience how much the soul benefits from them. 

Pain brings the unrepentant sinner to repentance, whereas for the righteous, it fortifies the strength of his soul and becomes a mighty wall around him so that he does not stray into sin. Just as a sick person gladly submits himself to the painful treatment of the doctor because he knows his aim, similarly we should endure with gratitude and knowledge all things that befall us involuntarily as sent from the kind hand of God for our salvation. 

“The athlete is tested by the stadium, the captain by the storm and tempest, the general by the battle, the magnanimous by misfortune, and the Christian by temptation,” says St. Basil the Great. Just as the earth becomes productive when the plow tills it deeply, likewise the soul becomes fruitful in virtues when pain and illness visit it frequently and intensely! 

The more pain and affliction a person has, the more beautiful his crown becomes. And if there are many and various pains that oppress him, then the crown of glory is adorned with many flowers and pearls. Gold has to pass through the furnace to become purified, and the soul of a Christian has to pass through the furnace of temptations to receive the seal of eternal glory in the royal treasury of Christ the King. 

If holy and blessed people passed through the furnace of pain and were benefited, how much more pain suits us and how much benefit we will derive from it when we endure it with knowledge and gratitude! It is when we see pain oppressing us, physically or spiritually, that we should consider that we are loved by God and that He has placed us in the ranks of His chosen. 

O blessed chastening of the Lord, I love you. But I am unworthy of such a gift, for I live in comfort and shall become a victim of the eternal fire. So, my child, I envy you because you are suffering and will obtain eternal repose! Your crown is decorated and beautified for your eternal glory! Endure for the Lord’s sake until the end. Bear your cross well lest you drop it, and you can be sure that you will be glorified with Christ eternally! Pray for me, too, lest I be shut out of paradise as one who does not practice what he preaches.

Elder Ephraim of Arizona

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Let us not lose our courage; for invisibly present is Jesus...

It is very consoling, my child, that each one of us will receive his reward based on how much he has labored for the love of Christ. It involves much labor to bear the burden of souls in the present era which is ruled by egotism and self will. Let us not lose our courage; for invisibly present is Jesus, Who will rebuke the stormy sea of trials and bring the calm of grace. Struggle upon the raging waves; call upon the only all-powerful God: “Lord, Lord, look down from heaven and behold my trials and perfect my soul to do Thy will, for Thou art my God.” (cf. Ps. 79:15-16 ).

Elder Ephraim of Arizona

Friday, March 25, 2016

A time will come, the hour will strike, the moment will arrive for these eyes to close and for the soul’s eyes to open.

A time will come, the hour will strike, the moment will arrive for these eyes to close and for the soul’s eyes to open. Then we shall see a new world, new beings, a new creation, a new life without end. Its title is: “Infinite Immortality,” the great homeland, incorruptible and everlasting—the heavenly Jerusalem, the mother of the firstborn, where redeemed souls, which have been washed of their impurity by the blood of the innocent Lamb, will dwell!
Who is able to express in words or with a pen the joy, the exaltation, the bliss of those blessed saved souls? Blessed are they who have died in the Lord, for the riches of God’s goodness awaits them. Blessed is he who wins the “lottery” for the heavenly festival, for riches that cannot be taken away, for the glory that God Himself has described: “sons of the Most High, children of God, heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ.” Before the Passion, the Lord entreated His heavenly Father on behalf of His disciples and those who would believe through them: “Father, I desire that they also whom Thou hast given Me may be with Me where I am, that they may behold My glory which Thou hast given Me; for Thou didst love Me before the foundation of the world.” (Jn. 17:24 ).

How great is Jesus’ love for us! He took on human nature and was hanged upon the Cross, giving us freedom and paying off our debt to His heavenly Father. And as a dear brother, He makes us worthy of jointly inheriting the infinite wealth of His heavenly Father! Oh, what love for us! Oh, how cold we are to Him! Oh, how ungrateful I am towards my Benefactor! My God, my God, have pity on me, and do not condemn me as I deserve because of my deeds!

Elder Ephraim of Arizona

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Μη χάνης το θάρρος σου, παιδί μου... ( Γέροντας Εφραίμ Φιλοθεΐτης )

Μη χάνης το θάρρος σου, παιδί μου. Αι στερήσεις, που υπομένομεν, αποβλέπουν εις το να μας ετοιμάσουν την αιώνιαν απόλαυσιν του Ουρανού! Ημείς εν γνώσει μας υστερούμεθα τα ηδονικά της ζωής αυτής δια την αγάπην του χριστού μας. Αν θέλωμε τα απολαμβάνομεν ελεύθερα, αλλά εκούσια δεν τα δεχόμεθα, δια να μας δοθή η ερασμία αγάπη του υπεργλυκυτάτου Ιησού μας.
Ημείς, κόρη μου, έχομεν Νυμφίον αθάνατον και αιώνιον, που διατηρεί την δόξαν της παρθενίας αθάνατον. Άγγελοι εκλήθημεν να γίνωμε, κόρη μου αγαπητή, και δεν θα στερηθώμεν τα ηδονικά, τα αμαρτωλά; Δεν του αξίζει του Ιησού μας να στερηθώμεν τα βρωμερά δια την θεϊκήν Του αγάπην;
Λοιπόν αγωνίσου αξίως της κλήσεως με ανδρείαν. Οι μάρτυρες έχυσαν το αίμα των δια την αγάπην του Χριστού μας, και ημείς να μη αντισταθώμεν εις μίαν συχαμεράν ηδονήν, κάλπικην;
Δόξασε τον Θεόν εις το σώμα σου και εις την ψυχήν σου. Αγών μέχρι εσχάτων. Έρωσο, κόρη μου.
Ο Πατέρας σου.

Γέροντας Εφραίμ Φιλοθεΐτης

Every night, review how you passed the day, and in the morning review how the night passed, so that you know how your soul’s accounts are doing

 Every night, review how you passed the day, and in the morning review how the night passed, so that you know how your soul’s accounts are doing. If you see a loss, try to regain it through caution and forcefulness. If you see a profit, glorify God, your invisible helper. Do not let your conscience prick you for long, but quickly give it whatever it wants, lest it take you to the judge and the prison (cf. Mt. 5:25 ). Does your conscience want you to attend to your prayer rule* and regain prayer? Give it these things, and behold, you are delivered from going to the judge. Do not weaken the saving voice of your conscience by disregarding it, because later you will regret it to no avail.

*Prayer rule (κανών )
Α prayer rule consists of the prayers and metanoias** which one does daily, under the guidance of one’s spiritual father.

** Metanoia (μετάνοια )
Ιn its primary sense, «μετάνοια» (pronounced «meh-tah΄-nee-ah» ) means repentance, literally, “a change of mind”. However, it can also mean the specific act of making the sign of the cross, followed by a bow either down to the ground or to the waist. It is a gesture of reverence, worship, respect, or repentance. A typical prayer rule includes a number of metanoias done while saying the Jesus prayer. Some translators use the word “prostration” for this term.

Elder Ephraim of Arizona

Saturday, March 19, 2016

As soon as any evil thought whatsoever approaches even slightly, it is absolutely necessary that we drive it away and say the Jesus prayer right away. ( Elder Ephraim of Arizona )

Fasting is not just abstention from food, but primarily strict abstinence of the senses. When the senses are fed by external things, they transmit a corresponding amount of poison to the nous and the heart, which kills the poor soul’s life in God. Our Watchful Fathers have so much to tell us about the holy fasting of the senses. Their entire teaching is mainly directed at the purification of the nous from sinful fantasies and thoughts, and the purification of the heart from feelings that defile it. Furthermore, they teach that we must eradicate every evil in its beginning to keep the soul clean. 

As soon as any evil thought whatsoever approaches even slightly, it is absolutely necessary that we drive it away and say the Jesus prayer right away. And when in this manner we confront the thoughts coming from the senses and the devil, very soon we will feel the joy and the profit derived from the fasting of the senses. If Eve had restrained her sense of vision, she would not have poisoned the offspring of her womb, that is, all the people who were born from her. In short, abstinence with the senses saves man from hell.

Elder Ephraim of Arizona

Προσοχή στα λόγια μας! ( Γέροντας Εφραίμ Φιλοθεΐτης )

Προσοχή στα λόγια μας!

 Μερικές γυναίκες, που θέλουν να κάνουν έκτρωση, πάνε και συμβουλεύονται: «Τι να κάνω βρε αδελφή;»

«Τι θες και το κρατάς, τόσα παιδιά έχεις, δεν το ρίχνεις!»

Αυτή λίγο ήθελε, ήταν κατά το ήμισυ αποφασισμένη. Συμπλήρωσε και το άλλο μισό η άλλη με τον λόγο της και πάει, ρίχνει το παιδί και γίνεται ο φόνος! Βέβαια έχει και η άλλη την ευθύνη για τον μισό φόνο.

Ή όπως μερικές μητέρες, που δεν έχουνε μυαλό, αν τύχη η κόρη τους να κάνη ένα λάθος, την συμβουλεύουν: «Άντε, θα γίνουμε ρεζίλι, πήγαινε και βγάλτο». Πάει η κοπέλλα και το σκοτώνει το παιδί. Ποιος έχει την ευθύνη; Η μάνα, που είπε αυτήν την συμβουλή. Βλέπετε ένας λόγος τι κακό μπορεί να κάνη; Γι’ αυτό θέλει πάρα πολλή προσοχή στα όσα λέμε. Πόσο πάει να μας υποσκελίση ο διάβολος!….

Γέροντας Εφραίμ Φιλοθεΐτης

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Οι Χαιρετισμοι της Παναγιας μας όποτε τους λέμε μας δίνουν χαρά και φώτιση από την Παναγία μας ! ( Γέροντος Εφραίμ Φιλοθεΐτου )

Οι Χαιρετισμοι της Παναγιας μας όποτε τους λέμε μας δίνουν χαρά και φώτιση από την Παναγία μας !! Οι Χαιρετισμοι της Παναγιας μας , πολυ με βοηθουν !! Με βγαζουν απο πολλά αδιέξοδα !!
Γέροντος Εφραίμ Φιλοθεΐτου

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Τι φοβερά η ώρα, κατά την οποίαν η ψυχή περιμένει πλήρης φόβου να ακούση την απόφασιν, που θα απέλθη δια μίαν αιωνίαν κατοίκησιν! ( Γέροντας Εφραίμ Φιλοθεΐτης )

Ανέβαζε τον νουν σου εις το φοβερόν κριτήριον του Χριστού, ποίαν απολογίαν μέλλομεν να δώσωμεν εν ημέρα κρίσεως, κατά την οποίαν θα κριθούν τα έργα μας! Τι φοβερά η ώρα, κατά την οποίαν η ψυχή περιμένει πλήρης φόβου να ακούση την απόφασιν, που θα απέλθη δια μίαν αιωνίαν κατοίκησιν! Η λέξις αιωνιότης είναι τρομερά! Δια να καταλάβης ολίγον τι θα ειπή αιωνιότης, θα σου φέρω ένα παράδειγμα: Φαντάσου πως όλη η γη είναι ένας βράχος από γρανίτην, σκληράν πέτραν, και σε κάθε χίλια χρόνια να έρχεται ένα πουλί, να τροχίζη το ράμφος του, επάνω εις αυτόν τον βράχον, και όταν από το τρόχισμα του ράμφους τελειώση ο βράχος αυτός, τότε θα εννοήσωμεν, ότι κάποιαν αμυδράν έννοιαν έχομεν, τι θα ειπή αιωνιότης, όχι ότι εννοήσαμεν την αιωνιότητα, την αθανασίαν, την ζωήν χωρίς τέλος! Λοιπόν αύτη η ζωή μας εις την γην παίζει ως εις κύβον την αιωνιότητά μας, ή παράδεισον ή κόλασιν! Άρα πόσην προσοχήν πρέπει να έχωμεν!

Γέροντας Εφραίμ Φιλοθεΐτης

When you have carnal warfare, be very careful with filthy fantasies, which produce dirty thoughts.

When you have carnal warfare, be very careful with filthy fantasies, which produce dirty thoughts. Stop and expel fantasies as soon as they come. Immediately say the prayer with pain of soul and at once will be delivered from the warfare.

Elder Ephraim of Arizona

Friday, March 11, 2016

Without exception all people will suffer in their life.

In this world, my child, people are divided into good and bad, rich and poor, educated and uneducated, noble and lowborn, smart and not so smart. All, however, have one thing in common: suffering. For without exception all people will suffer in their life. As the maxim says: “It is a wonder if anyone has been happy throughout his life”. So then, all people live in the kingdom of suffering. We know that suffering is something personal, which one must face alone. It is his cross, which he must carry, just as the Savior of the world, Jesus, carried His cross for our sake. So be at ease, my child, in the paternal hand, which at this time performs surgery on you by means of suffering, and be calm. Accept that God sends it to you, reconcile yourself with suffering, so that you will be able to face it. I know how difficult this is, but also how beneficial for your salvation. The saints rejoiced in their afflictions; let us at least accept ours with patience, and God will not forget even this minuscule, voluntary patient acceptance of His will, which is represented by suffering. My child, muster the powers of your soul when you suffer, and try to understand the purpose of suffering, through which God opens heaven for you. Do you think that He Who numbers the hairs of your head does not know the measure of your suffering? Yes, He knows it. Therefore be at rest, trusting in our heavenly Father. Do not grow weary; with our Christ’s help you will pass through everything, and will also become His heir in the boundless fortune of our common Father. Amen.

Elder Ephraim of Arizona

Τους κακούς λογισμούς, παιδί μου, να τους διώκης, διότι ο διάβολος ποτέ δεν θέλει το καλόν του ανθρώπου. ( Γέροντας Εφραίμ Φιλοθεΐτης )

Τους κακούς λογισμούς, παιδί μου, να τους διώκης, διότι ο διάβολος ποτέ δεν θέλει το καλόν του ανθρώπου. Του παρουσιάζει διαφόρους δυσκολίας, δια να τον πείση πως δεν κάνει τίποτε εις τον μοναχισμόν. Και τούτο διότι τον καίει το μαύρο ράσο, που φανερώνει τον στρατιώτην του Χριστού. Ας έχωμεν πειρασμούς και θλίψεις, και ο Χριστός θλίψεις είχε και με φοβερούς πόνους παρέδωκε την τεθεωμένη ψυχήν Του επάνω εις τον Σταυρόν. 

Ο Χριστός μας, κρεμάμενος επάνω εις τον Σταυρόν, γυμνός, έρημος, εγκαταλελειμένος, υβριζόμενος από χιλιάδας κόσμου και τόσα άλλα τα υπέμεινε με χαράν δι’ ημάς τους αχαρίστους και ημείς, λοιπόν παιδί μου, να μην υποφέρωμεν ολίγην θλίψιν και πόνον; Ο Χριστός μας, θα μας δείξη εις την δευτέραν παρουσίαν Του τα παθήματα της σαρκός Του ως αποδείξεις της προς ημάς αγάπης, τότε και ημείς, παιδί μου, θα του δείξωμεν την πονεμένην και ματωμένην καρδίαν μας από θλίψεις δια την αγάπην Του. Όλοι οι άγιοι πολύ επόνεσαν, οι μάρτυρες τι και τι δεν υπέφεραν. Δια τούτο έχε υπομονήν και προσεύχου και ο Θεός δεν θα μας αφήση να πονέσωμεν περισσότερον των δυνάμεών μας.

Γέροντας Εφραίμ Φιλοθεΐτης

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Η δύναμης της πίστεως και της προσευχής - Γέροντας Εφραίμ Φιλοθεΐτης

The devil greatly rejoices when he manages to persuade a person to hide diabolical thoughts...

Humble yourself, and from now on confess, for confession contains most holy humility, without which no one is saved.
The devil greatly rejoices when he manages to persuade a person to hide diabolical thoughts.
This is because he will achieve his premeditated, soul-destroying goal.

Elder Ephraim of Arizona

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Constant forcefulness is necessary for us not to remain outside the bridal chamber of Christ..

Constant forcefulness is necessary for us not to remain outside the bridal chamber of Christ, as did the foolish virgins. Rather, our spiritual forcefulness should continuously light our lamps, so that we can see Christ entering His bridal chamber and enter together with Him into the eternal wedding of the Lamb! Courage, my child; keep your chin up when you face the enemy, for we are soldiers of the great King, Who triumphed at the battlefront on Golgotha. If we are ever defeated, let us rise once again, and after we have bandaged our wounds, let us take up our weapons again with bravery and a firm heart. Since we have this kind of victorious Commander-in-Chief, we, too, shall be victorious with the power of our Christ, as long as a spirit of humble-mindedness dwells in our souls.

Elder Ephraim of Arjizona

Περί Κατάρας και Μετανοίας - Γέροντας Εφραίμ της Αριζόνας

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Μέχρι και της τελευταίας ημών αναπνοής έχομεν ανάγκην της μετανοίας... ( Γέροντας Εφραίμ Φιλοθεΐτης )

Η μετάνοια είναι ατέλεστος, όλαι αι αρεταί δύνανται με την χάριν του Θεού, να τελειοποιηθούν από τον άνθρωπον. Την μετάνοιαν ουδείς δύναται να την τελειοποιήση, διότι μέχρι και της τελευταίας ημών αναπνοής έχομεν ανάγκην της μετανοίας, διότι σφάλλομεν εν ριπή οφθαλμού, οπότε η μετάνοια είναι ακατάκτητος.

 Ω, πόσον αγαθός ο Θεός! Δικαίως λοιπόν θα κολασθούν οι συναμαρτωλοί μου, διότι παρεγνώρισαν την άπειρον ευσπλαγχνίαν του ουρανίου Πατρός. Ενώ λοιπόν ως άνθρωποι σφάλλομεν, μας έρχεται οκνηρόν το να είπωμεν το « ήμαρτον »! Και πως θα το είπωμεν, εφ’ όσον έχομεν, εγώ πρώτος, την λήθην και την ραθυμίαν με συμβοηθόν την υπερηφάνειαν, ισχυρά εμπόδια προς τον δρόμον της ταπεινώσεως! Μας τον έδειξεν ο Χριστός δια του Σταυρού Του, αλλά δυστυχώς θεληματικώς κωφεύομεν προς μεγίστην μεταμέλειάν μας. 

Ο χρόνος φεύγει, τα έτη κυλούν και όλο και πλησιάζομεν δια την αιωνιότητα. Το βλέπομεν, ενώ μία νάρκη διανοητική μας δεσμεύει, έως να βληθώμεν, εγώ πρώτος, εις την κόλασιν! Ο Θεός μου, ο λυτρωσάμενος το ανθρώπινον γένος εκ της δουλείας του εχθρού, ρύσαι και ημάς από την μέλλουσαν καταδίκην, όταν θα έλθης να κρίνης τον κόσμον, αποδίδων εκάστω κατά τα έργα αυτού. Είθε δι’ ευχών σου να εύρω έλεος, όταν κρίνεται η ελεεινή μου ψυχή, διότι δειλιώ απαντήσαι τω φοβερώ Κριτή ελεγχόμενος υπό του ιδίου μου συνειδότος.

Γέροντας Εφραίμ Φιλοθεΐτης

“Your illness is the will of God, and you ought to pass through it with patience and thankfulness, so that you will not become a transgressor before God with your impatience!”

Ignorance, my child, is known as the soul’s death. Ignorance does not enlighten a sick person; it does not say to him: “Your illness is the will of God, and you ought to pass through it with patience and thankfulness, so that you will not become a transgressor before God with your impatience!” To the enlightened Christian, however, knowledge of God’s will not only makes him bear everything with thankfulness, but also helps him acquire a strong spiritual constitution and at the same time obtain the refreshment of consolation. He reflects: “By undergoing these pains and afflictions I am doing God’s will, and this will bring about the forgiveness of my previous offences. By paying here the debt of my sentence, I shall receive my freedom there in the life to come, where I shall live eternally—whereas here, no matter how much suffering I may undergo, it is temporary and short-lived”. So my child, we need patience so as not to be condemned with the unrepentant world. 

Regardless of what might happen to us, through patience everything is put aright, and the inner man will find peace, bearing patiently what God has allowed. Bear your cross, and I shall bear mine, as we follow the heavenly Bridegroom, Christ, Who for us ungrateful sinners bore a Cross of disgrace. What do we bear that is equal in worth to such good things that we enjoy from God? If I were to enumerate the blessings of God and the ingratitude of man, I think my mind would stop; for how can the finite mind comprehend the infinite benefactions of God towards man?

Elder Ephraim of Arizona