Saturday, September 29, 2018

Γέροντα, ο κόσμος, εμείς, είμαστε σε μια δύσκολη θέση με όλα αυτά που γίνονται και ακούμε. Υπάρχει φόβος... ( Γέροντας Εφραίμ Φιλοθεΐτης )

Συνομιλήτρια : 
Γέροντα, ο κόσμος, εμείς, είμαστε σε μια δύσκολη θέση με όλα αυτά που γίνονται και ακούμε. Υπάρχει φόβος...

Γέροντας ΕΦΡΑΙΜ : 
Ναι, διαισθανόμαστε ότι θα γίνουν καταστροφικά πράγματα και γίνονται καθημερινά, Γι’ αυτό τρέχουμε στα μοναστήρια και στις εκκλησίες, αλλά δεν πρέπει να έχουμε φόβο. Για σκεφτείτε , αν ένα τάγμα αγγέλων έγιναν δαίμονες και κάνουν τόση ζημιά, τι βοήθεια μας προσφέρουν τα εννέα τάγματα των αγγέλων.

Μια φορά είδα τον Χριστό στο θρόνο του και δίπλα την Παναγία μας και τα τάγματα των αγγέλων και των αγίων. Περιμένανε το νεύμα του Χριστού μας για να βοηθήσουν την ανθρωπότητα στη νέα κατάσταση.
Όταν γεμίζουμε συνεχώς την καρδιά μας με τον Χριστό καθημερινά δυναμώνει η πίστη μας και όλα τα αντιμετωπίζουμε. Η Παναγία μας, παρακαλεί για μας και δέεται συνεχώς, να έχουμε δύναμη και αισιοδοξία.
Γέροντας Εφραίμ Φιλοθεΐτης

Since Christ is the light of the world, those who do not see Him, who do not believe in Him, are all most certainly blind. ( Elder Ephraim of Arizona )

Since Christ is the light of the world, those who do not see Him, who do not believe in Him, are all most certainly blind. Conversely, all who strive to practice the commandments of Christ walk in the light; they confess Christ and venerate and worship Him as God. 
Whoever confesses Christ and regards Him as his Lord and God is strengthened by the power of the invocation of His name to do His will. But if he is not strengthened, it is evident that he confesses Christ only with his mouth, while in his heart he is far from Him.

Elder Ephraim of Arizona

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Μακάριοι οι πνευματικοί φιλόσοφοι του Θεού ... ( Γέροντας Εφραίμ Φιλοθεΐτης )

Όλα θα παρέλθουν και εις το μηδέν θα καταλήξουν, ενώ το έργον το εν τω Θεώ ειργασμένον, θα μείνη μαζί με την ψυχή του εργάτου, ίνα εσθίη εξ αυτού ζωήν αιώνιον.

Μακάριοι οι πνευματικοί φιλόσοφοι του Θεού, όπου δίδουν πρόσκαιρα και θησαυρίζουν αιώνια, ίνα, όταν απέλθωσιν, εύρωσιν εις την τράπεζαν του Θεού τους θησαυρούς των συν τόκω. 
Μακάριοι οι καθαρίζοντες τας καρδίας αυτών από τα ζιζάνια της αμαρτίας γεωργούντες τον αγαθόν σπόρον, διότι θα έλθη καιρός εύθετος, που θα θερίσουν στάχυας αειζωίας! 
Μακάριοι οι σπείροντες δάκρυα μετά πνευματικής νηστείας, δηλαδή πεινώντες αεί και διψώντες τα καλά έργα, διότι θα θερίσουν χαράν αιωνίαν!

Γέροντας Εφραίμ Φιλοθεΐτης  

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Behind every test lurks the blessing of God ( Elder Ephraim Of Arizona ( Philotheou )

Sorrow is not nice. 
However, behind it, behind the pain, behind the sorrow, behind the test, lurks the blessing of God, the rebirth, the reforming of man, of family. Almost everyone attributes his/her conversion to some test. They believe everything goes well, then God takes their child, and then there is mourning, pain etc. Then comes the grace of God which overshadows them, making these people calm. They approach the Church, approach the confession, approach the priest. Thanks to that child they go to the Church. Their pain makes them to seek, to pray for repose, to request liturgies.
Pain relieves the heart and makes it receptive to the word of God, while earlier it was hard and unreceptive. For example, a man during his youthful exuberance thinks, "I am and no one else is". There go the degrees, the glories, the health, the beauty and everything else. However, when he is laid in bed sick, he thinks differently. Vanity of vanity, everything is vanity. I may die, he thinks. 
What is the benefit of all these and he starts to think differently. It is like a man approaching him and tells him, "read this book and check what it says". He hears a word of God and then he listens to it. And if you give him a book, his pain has already made his heart suitable and he opens the book and the Bible and reads it and thus starts the repose of man. And when he is healed, immediately then he stands up and lives carefully his life and does not live like before with pride and with the fantasy he had.
Sickness and sorrow is by and large medicine of the providence of God to bring man closer to Him and increase his virtue. 
The sickness and sorrow is by and large medicine of the providence of God to bring man closer to Him and increase his virtue. Job was the best man on earth but God wanted to make him even better. Before he was tested, Job was not famous. As soon as he was tested and fought, struggled, crowned and became rich, after that began his glory to this day. His example is the most brilliant one and empowers every man that is being tested. 
If he was tested being a saint, so much more us who are sinners. The result was he was made holy and was given again years of life and blessed him doubly and thrice with what he had, thus becoming a bright example throughout the centuries and for him to relax and say: "As the Lord wished so it happened. May the name of the Lord be blessed". He lowers his head and says: "God gave and God took" And even if He took my child, hasn't God given him to me? He took it. Where is my child? In heaven? So what happens there? He reposes there. 
Behind every test lurks the will of God and the benefit which naturally he could not see at that time, but with time he will know the benefit. We have many such examples. 
Like also the Saints Andronicus and Athanasia. They were a couple. He was a jeweler of great wealth etc. Part of his profit from work was used to feed his family. Another part of his profit he gave to the poor and a third of his profit was lent to people who had no money, interest free. They had two happy daughters. One day both died from sickness. Both parents went to bury them. Athanasia, the unfortunate one, would cry inconsolably over their graves. So did Andronicus. With great pain he started for home. Poor Athanasia stayed behind to mourn over their graves. "My children" and "My children" she cried. The sun was setting and the cemetery was closing. In her sorrow she saw a monk coming to her and telling her: "Lady why are you crying?"
How could I not cry Father?" (She thought he was the priest of the cemetery). "I buried both my children, my two angels, I laid them in their graves and I and my husband are left alone. We have no more freshness anymore. 
He tells her: "Your children are in paradise with the angels. They are in the joy and grace of God and you cry? Pity, and you are a Christian.
"So they live my children? Are they angels?"
Of course your children are angels"
He was the Saint of that Church. Finally both Andronicus and Athanasia became monastics and were sanctified. 
Elder Ephraim of Arizona

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Έχε τον φόβον του Θεού ωσάν λυχνάρι και αυτός θα σου φωτίζη τον δρόμον. ( Γέροντας Εφραίμ Φιλοθεϊτης )

Μη φοβού τίποτε, ει μη τον Θεόν.
 Έχε τον φόβον του Θεού ωσάν λυχνάρι και αυτός θα σου φωτίζη τον δρόμον, πως ακριβώς να περιπατής, διότι χωρίς φόβον Θεού, συνείδησιν καθαράν δεν δυνάμεθα να δημιουργήσωμεν, ούτε εξαγόρευσιν ειλικρινή δυνάμεθα να κάνωμεν, ούτε σοφίαν πνευματικήν ποτέ θα αποκτήσωμεν, διότι αρχή σοφίας και τέλος σοφίας φόβος Κυρίου.

Γέροντας Εφραίμ Φιλοθεϊτης

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Ταπεινώσου και εξομολογού εις το εξής, διότι η εξομολόγησις εμπερικλείει την αγιωτάτην ταπείνωσιν... ( Γέροντας Εφραίμ Φιλοθεϊτης )

Ταπεινώσου και εξομολογού εις το εξής, διότι η εξομολόγησις εμπερικλείει την αγιωτάτην ταπείνωσιν, άνευ της οποίας δεν σώζεται κανείς. 

Χαρά μεγάλη δια τον διάβολον, όταν κατορθώση και πείση τον άνθρωπον να κρύψη τους διαβολικούς λογισμούς, και τούτο διότι θα πετύχη τον μελετώμενον ψυχοφθόρον σκοπόν του.

Γέροντας Εφραίμ Φιλοθεϊτης

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Ο ύμνος του Παραδείσου ειναι η Αγάπη ( Γέροντας Εφραίμ Φιλοθεΐτης )

Ο Θεός είναι Αγάπη. ¨Ο μένων εν τη αγάπη, εν τω Θεώ μένει και ο Θεός εν αυτώ¨, βροντοφωνεί ο απόστολος της αγάπης, Ιωάννης ο Ευαγγελιστής.

Αγάπη : Το κλειδί που ανοίγει όλες τις πόρτες της ανθρώπινης συμπεριφοράς. Το φάρμακο που γιατρεύει όλες τις αρρώστιες της ψυχής και του σώματος.

Ο άνθρωπος της αγάπης είναι ο πιο μεγάλος νικητής στον πνευματικό αγώνα. Νικάει με το χαμόγελο και την καλοσύνη. Άν σε άλλες περιπτώσεις η υποχώρηση είναι ήττα, της αγάπης η υποχώρηση είναι νίκη.

Άν κάθε κράτος έχει τον δικό του Εθνικό Ύμνο, έχει και ο Χριστιανισμός τον δικό του Ύμνο, τον Ύμνο της Αγάπης που με τον πιο αριστοτεχνικό τρόπο έχει αποδώσει ο μέγας των εθνών Απόστολος Παύλος στο ΙΓ' κεφάλαιο της Α' προς Κορινθίους επιστολής.
Τούτος ο μελωδικότατος ύμνος ας είναι στα χείλη και στην ψυχή μας. Αμήν.

Γέροντας Εφραίμ Φιλοθεΐτης

The devil greatly rejoices when he manages to persuade a person to hide diabolical thoughts... ( Elder Ephraim of Arizona )

Humble yourself, and from now on confess, for confession contains most holy humility, without which no one is saved.
The devil greatly rejoices when he manages to persuade a person to hide diabolical thoughts.
This is because he will achieve his premeditated, soul-destroying goal.

Elder Ephraim of Arizona

Monday, September 3, 2018

Να καθαρισθή η καρδία μας από τα πάθη... ( Γέροντας Εφραίμ Φιλοθεΐτης )

Εκείνο που πρέπει να μας απασχολή κυρίως είναι να καθαρισθή η καρδία μας από τα πάθη, να ελαττωθή κανένα πάθος ή ελάττωμα! 
Αυτά που δίδει ο Θεός κατά καιρούς, κατά τον χρόνον της παρακλήσεως, δεν παίζουν κανένα σπουδαίον ρόλον, διότι έρχονται και φεύγουν. 
Αχ, αυτά τα πάθη, ρίζες με αγκάθια είναι, πόσος κόπος, πόσος πόνος, τι δάκρυα, τι ευχές χρειάζονται, δια να ίδη κανείς μικράν ανακούφισιν, σωστόν μαρτύριον!

Γέροντας Εφραίμ Φιλοθεΐτης