Ο καιρός της παρούσης ζωής παρέρχεται ανεπαίσθητα, αθόρυβα και το ποινικόν κάθε ανθρώπου βαρύνεται με την πάροδον του χρόνου, χωρίς τούτο να γίνεται αντιληπτόν απ’ αυτόν τον ίδιον. Κάποια ημέρα θα το εννοήση και θα απορήση και θα είπη: Άράγε που ήταν τόσα αμαρτήματα συναγμένα και εγά ο τάλας τα ηγνόουν; Οίμοι, τον ταλαίπωρον, τι με περιμένουν τώρα! Πως θα περάσω τα τελώνια!
Ναι, παιδί μου, τοιουτοτρόπως θα μας συμβούν εις όλους μας. Μόνον τώρα ας ετοιμασθώμεν το γρηγορώτερον, διότι δεν γνωρίζομεν ποίαν ημέραν και ώραν θα έλθη ο Κύριος να μας κτυπήση την θύραν της ψυχής μας, δια να μας καλέση προς απολογίαν. Ας είμεθα λοιπόν πάντοτε προσεκτικοί και έτοιμοι δια το ανεπίστροφον ταξίδιον του Ουρανού.
Γέροντας Εφραίμ της Αριζόνας
Πατρικαι Νουθεσίαι.
Περί Αμαρτίας, Μετανοίας, Πένθους και Δακρύων.
Humble yourself, and from now on confess, for confession contains most holy humility, without which no one is saved.
The devil greatly rejoices when he manages to persuade a person to hide diabolical thoughts.
This is because he will achieve his premeditated, soul-destroying goal.
Elder Ephraim of Arizona
Counsels from the Holy Mountain
On Confession and Spiritual Accounting
“As I find you, I will judge you” (cf. Ez. 33:20 ). Behold, the value of a moment. Did He find you in repentance? Did He meet you in confession? Did He reach you saying “I have sinned against heaven and before you”? (Lk. 15:18 ). Did He approach you when you had tears of genuine repentance and self-reproach in your eyes? Behold, it is in one moment that God makes his decision. “The Lord is faithful in all His words” (Ps. 144:13 ).
However, if He finds you otherwise, O man, then the eyes of your soul will open, and you will see what you have lost—but what is the use? If God condemns a person, repentance is futile; when the “fair” of life ends, words are pointless. It is all over! Oh, what a great mystery this is! O my God, my Sweet Jesus, open the eyes of my soul that I may see very clearly this great mystery of my eternal salvation, so that, helped by Thy grace, I may prepare provisions and not repent at the end of my life to no avail.
As Thou dost see, I do absolutely nothing and am entirely leprous with passions. Grant me tears and complete repentance before the last hour comes, when I shall hear Thy voice, “Set thy house in order, for thou shalt die and not live” (Is. 38:1 ).
Elder Ephraim of Arizona
Counsels from the Holy Mountain
Chapter Three
On Sin, Repentance, Mourning, and Tears