My blessed child, do not be afraid in the struggle. Nourish your soul with courage and hope. Disregard the adversities that come from the demons. See to it that every fight is crowned with success. In God’s eyes nothing is in vain—even the slightest forcefulness is good. Do not lose your nerve at all; fight valiantly; coerce yourself, press yourself, for it is by pressing grapes that sweet wine is made, which gladdens the heart. Courage, my child; we shall prevail with God’s help.
Elder Ephraim of Arizona
Προσέχετε την υπακοήν σας, εάν καλώς την εργασθήτε, δι’ αυτής θα κερδίσετε την αιώνιον ζωήν, εάν κακώς, η κόλασις θα είναι το τέλος. Λοιπόν ξυπνάτε από την λήθην και την ραθυμίαν, καιρός εξ ύπνου αμελείας να εγερθώμεν, διότι το τέλος της ζωής μας άδηλον και πότε θα ξυπνήσωμεν; Όταν έλθη ο Αρχάγγελος να πάρη την ψυχήν μας; Τότε το ξύπνημα εκείνο δεν ωφελεί. Καιρός στεφάνων ο μέλλων αιών, ο νυν, αγώνος, κόπου και πάλης.
Βιάζεσθε, λέγετε την ευχήν, παύσατε τας αργολογίας, κλείσατε το στόμα σας από την κατάκρισιν, βάλετε θύραν και κλείθρα εις τα περιττά λόγια. Ο καιρός περνά και οπίσω δεν γυρίζει και αλλοίμονόν μας, εάν χωρίς πνευματικά κέρδη φύγη ο χρόνος. Αυτά σας γράφω, αυτά να μελετάτε, αυτά να πράσσετε, και ο Θεός της αγάπης να είναι μαζί σας και η γλυκειά μας Παναγία να σας δυναμώνη, να σας φωτίζη και να σας προθυμοποιή εις τον αγώνα.
ΓέρονταςΕφραίμ Φιλοθεΐτης

Man has failed to recognize his own Father, the Most High God, Who brought him into being out of nothingness. Oh! How harmful this failure to recognize Him has been! This is the cause of all human suffering, the first transgression of Adam and Eve. And their sin of disobedience and lack of repentance brought upon their children—upon us—all the evil results, and we harvest the thorns and thistles of various tribulations. “You shall surely die” (Gen. 2:17 ). Death is corruption of our former incorruption, with all of its attributes: illness, affliction, misery, pain. However, the good God did not overlook His own creation, but gave grace through the death of His Son on the Cross—“by grace you have been saved” (Eph. 2:5 ). Just as the evil one used the crafty serpent as a tool, in a like manner did our Lord Jesus Christ put on human nature to deceive the devil. O Lord Jesus Christ, the light of my darkened soul, the goal of my life, how great has our guilt become with the passing of time! One disobedience resulted in bringing God down to earth—and where did it lead Him? To be crucified at Golgotha! And the small taste of the forbidden fruit was paid by the awesome drama of the God-man. Oh, how much God loves man! So let us be confident in our repentance, my fellow sinners. :Though your sins are like scarlet, I shall make them as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, I shall make them as white as wool” (Is. 1:18 ). So, my child, let us cleave with love to such a merciful God. Amen.
Elder Ephraim of Arizona